Jebat was the champion of justice who
died a tragic death. Hang Jebat was unceremoniously
killed by Hang Tuah in a duel of honour
that lasted 3 days and 3 nights. He ran
amuck after suffering a fatal wound from
Hang Tuah's dagger 'Keris Taming Sari.'
In the name of justice to avenge the Sultan's
hasty punishment against Hang Tuah for
a crime he didn't commit. Hang Jebat was
accused by Hang Tuah of 'derhaka' (contumacy).
The duel between two of Melaka's most
prominent knights has left a permanent
question as to the moral behind Hang Jebat's
aberrant reaction against authority and
the conventions by which Hang Tuah exercised
his conduct as a loyal subject of the