Home // Places Of Interest // Historical Places // Hang Tuah's Well
Hang Tuah's Well
A' Famosa
Tun Teja's Mausoleum
Hang Tuah's Mausoleum
Hang Kasturi's Mausoleum
Dol Said's Grave
Dutch Graveyard
British Graveyard

Located in Kampung Duyong where Hang Tuah was born and spent his childhood with four of his good friends, all of whom would all later become famous warriors of Melaka. The well is said to be the abode of his soul, which from time to time takes the apparition of a white crocodile. For a commoner to catch a glimpse of the apparition of Hang Tuah is very unlikely, for it is said that only the holy among us can ever hope to see it.


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