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Hang Jebat's Mausoleum
Hang Jebat's Mausoleum
A' Famosa
Tun Teja's Mausoleum
Hang Tuah's Mausoleum
Hang Jebat's Mausoleum
Hang Kasturi's Mausoleum
Dol Said's Grave
Dutch Graveyard
British Graveyard

Hang Jebat was the champion of justice who died a tragic death. Hang Jebat was unceremoniously killed by Hang Tuah in a duel of honour that lasted 3 days and 3 nights. He ran amuck after suffering a fatal wound from Hang Tuah's dagger 'Keris Taming Sari.' In the name of justice to avenge the Sultan's hasty punishment against Hang Tuah for a crime he didn't commit. Hang Jebat was accused by Hang Tuah of 'derhaka' (contumacy). The duel between two of Malacca's most prominent knights has left a permanent question as to the moral behind Hang Jebat's aberrant reaction against authority and the conventions by which Hang Tuah exercised his conduct as a loyal subject of the Sultan.


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